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In an earlier article, we showed two ways of converting PDF to images. In both cases, you had to use an external GDI+ library. In Version 4 of PDFtoolkit, one of the GDI libraries is now used internally and export to image formats has been simplified.
In Version 4, a new method TgtPDFDocument.SaveAsImage()
has been introduced. You specify the format using the TgtImageType
argument and the image settings in the TgtImageProperties
public procedure SaveAsImage( aPageRange: String; aImagetype: TgtImageType = itBitmap; aLocation: String = ''; aFileNamePrefix: String = ''; aImageProperties: TgtImageProperties = nil ); public TgtImageType = ( itBitmap, itJPEG, itEMF, itSinglePageTIFF, itMultiPageTIFF );
If you have installed Version 4, just create a new VCL forms application project, drop a button, use this code example. You will see how easy it is to export PDF pages to images.
unit Export_PDF_To_Images; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtDlgs, gtPDFDoc, gtExPDFDoc, gtCstPDFDoc, gtPDFUtils, gtExProPDFDoc; type TForm3 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form3: TForm3; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var gtPDFDocument1: TgtPDFDocument; OpenTextFileDialog1: TOpenTextFileDialog; I, N: Integer; begin OpenTextFileDialog1 := TOpenTextFileDialog.Create(nil); gtPDFDocument1 := TgtPDFDocument.Create(nil); OpenTextFileDialog1.Filter := 'PDF documents (*.pdf)|*.pdf';; if OpenTextFileDialog1.Execute then begin try // Unload any previously loaded file if gtPDFDocument1.IsLoaded then begin gtPDFDocument1.Reset; end; // Make the user select a PDF document and load it gtPDFDocument1.LoadFromFile(OpenTextFileDialog1.FileName); // Export first two pages as JPEG images gtPDFDocument1.SaveAsImage('1,2', itJPEG); // Export first two pages as TIFF images gtPDFDocument1.SaveAsImage('1,2', itSinglePageTIFF); // Export first two pages as a single multi-page TIFF image gtPDFDocument1.SaveAsImage('1,2', itMultiPageTIFF); // Free IO resources gtPDFDocument1.Reset; except on Err:Exception do begin gtPDFDocument1.Reset; ShowMessage('Sorry, an exception was raised. ' + Err.Classname + ':' + Err.Message); end; end; end; end; end.
Gnostice DevTools Team member Ramnish has created an application for demonstrating how PDF-to-image export works.
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