Document Studio .NET
Next-generation .NET compliant multi-format document viewing & processing suite for .NET developers
Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017/2019

Interact with PDF files using Annotations with Document Studio .NET's ASP.NET Document Viewer

Learn how to interact with PDF files using annotations in ASP.NET Document Viewer control.
by Shivaranjini Mithun & Pradeep Malage

Annotations and forms are two popular ways of providing interactivity in PDF documents. ASP.NET Document Viewer control already has the capability of interactive form filling. In our recent release (2017 R2) we have enhanced it to support interactive annotations. The Viewer control automatically identifies supported annotations in loaded PDF document and allows the user to interact with it.

To learn about the basic integration of ASP.NET Document Viewer control into your application, please refer the following article: ASP.NET Document Viewer control for displaying DOCX, DOC, PDF and images

Enable interactive annotations

The code snippet below shows how to enable interactivity through annotations.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var preferences = new gnostice.Preferences();
    //API to specify whether annotations interactivity should be enabled
    preferences.interactiveElements.annotations.enableAnnotations = true;
    //API to set the user identity which is used while editing annotations = "Gnostice";

    documentViewer = new gnostice.DocumentViewer('doc-viewer-id', preferences);

Types of Annotations

There are several types of PDF annotations. Some use icons or shapes and display text in a popup window. These are known as Markup annotations. Some others play multimedia objects. Some even display text directly on the page.

Currently Viewer control enables interactivity for the following types of annotations:

Markup Annotations Non Markup Annotations

If the document already contains any of the above mentioned markup annotations then the Viewer control enables interactivity for them. You can move the annotations around, update the comments, add a new reply, set status etc.

If the document contains link annotations then the Viewer control enables interactivity by supporting various actions like GOTO, Named and URI actions.

The Viewer control also supports inserting new sticky note annotation. Sticky note when closed, appears as an icon; when open, it displays a pop-up window containing the text of the note.

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