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Print different PDF pages to different paper trays in .NET

Learn to do this using PDFOn .NET.
By Lakshana

Our customers often ask if this is possible. And, here is the code showing how it can be done. The PrintOptions property of PDFOne's PDFPrinter component is a System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings object. It is directly mapped to the current printer settings. To print different pages to different trays, you just need to know the correct index of the trays.

If you know only the names, then you will have to iterate the PrintOptions.PaperSources collection and find the correct paper tray.

namespace PrintToDifferentTrays {
  public partial class Form1 : Form {
    PDFPrinter prn;
    PaperSource GlossyPaperTray, OrdinaryPaperTray;

    public Form1() {      

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      bool bTray1Found = false, bTray2Found = false;

      // Create new printer
      prn = new PDFPrinter(LICENSE_KEY);
      // Load a document for printing

      // Get current printer settings
      PrinterSettings ps = prn.PrintOptions;

      // Iterate through all trays and find the ones named "tray1" and "tray2"
      // (Assuming that "tray1" contains ordinary paper and "tray2" contains
      // glossy paper. If either one of the trays are not found, then the
      // default paper tray will be used. Hopefully, it is not the one with 
      // the glossy paper!)
      if (ps.PaperSources.Count > 1) { 
        for (int i = 0; i < ps.PaperSources.Count; i++) {
          if (ps.PaperSources[i].SourceName.Equals("tray1")) { 
            bTray1Found = true; 
            OrdinaryPaperTray = ps.PaperSources[i]; 
          if (ps.PaperSources[i].SourceName.Equals("tray2")) { 
            bTray1Found = true; 
            GlossyPaperTray = ps.PaperSources[i]; 
        if (bTray1Found && bTray2Found) {
          prn.ChangePaperSource += prn_ChangePaperSource;


    void prn_ChangePaperSource(
        object sender, 
        int pageNumber, 
        ref System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource paperSource) {

      // Print first page on glossy paper; others on ordinary
      if (pageNumber == 1) {  
        paperSource = GlossyPaperTray;
      } else {               
        paperSource = OrdinaryPaperTray;


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