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PDFtoolkit components are meant to be used on PDF forms documents that have already been created. (Another product, Gnostice eDocEngine fulfills PDF-creation needs.) For form fields that exist in a PDF document, a class named TgtFormField
was used. As our customers wanted the ability to add form fields in PDFtoolkit itself, a new class named TgtPDFFormfield
was introduced in Version 2. Over time, this was getting unwieldy and one of them had to go. Thus, in version 4, new and existing form fields are represented by just one class TgtPDFFormfield
, as it should be.
So, how do you create forms now? Well, create a new Delphi VCL Forms project, drop a button and add the button-click event handler in the following example.
unit Create_Form; { Delphi code to create form fields in a PDF document } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, gtPDFDoc, gtExPDFDoc, gtCstPDFDoc, gtPDFUtils; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var gtPDFDocument1: TgtPDFDocument; gtPDFFormTextField1: TgtPDFFormTextField; gtPDFFormListBox1: TgtPDFFormListBox; gtPDFFormPushButton1 {, gtPDFFormPushButton2}: TgtPDFFormPushButton; begin // Create a text box form field gtPDFFormTextField1 := TgtPDFFormTextField.Create; with gtPDFFormTextField1 do begin Rect := gtRect(50,350,150,375); FieldName := 'Name'; Value := 'John Doe'; end; // Create a list box form field gtPDFFormListBox1 := TgtPDFFormListBox.Create; with gtPDFFormListBox1 do begin Rect := gtRect(50,400,150,425); FieldName := 'Country'; AddItem('India'); AddItem('Russia'); AddItem('USA'); end; // Create a push button form field gtPDFFormPushButton1 := TgtPDFFormPushButton.Create; with gtPDFFormPushButton1 do begin Rect := gtRect(50,550,150,575); FieldName := 'Submit1'; Value := 'Submit1'; NormalCaption := 'Submit Form'; RolloverCaption := 'Submit Form'; DownCaption := 'Submit Form'; FormSubmitFormat := fsfHTML; SubmitURL := ''; end; // Create a PDF document object gtPDFDocument1 := TgtPDFDocument.Create(Nil); try // Load a PDF document gtPDFDocument1.LoadFromFile('Input_Docs\sample_doc1.pdf'); gtPDFDocument1.OpenAfterSave := True; if gtPDFDocument1.IsLoaded then begin // Add form fields gtPDFDocument1.AddFormField(gtPDFFormTextField1, 1); gtPDFDocument1.AddFormField(gtPDFFormPushButton1, 1); gtPDFDocument1.AddFormField(gtPDFFormListBox1, 1); // Save changed document to another file gtPDFDocument1.SaveToFile('Output_Docs\forms_doc1.pdf'); end; // Release IO resources gtPDFDocument1.Reset except on Err:Exception do begin gtPDFDocument1.Reset; ShowMessage('Sorry, an exception was raised. ' + Err.Classname + ':' + Err.Message); end; end; Close; end; end.
For enumerating forms fields that already exist in a document, the API is not very different from what users of previous versions used.
Use the method TgtPDFDocuemnt.GetFormFieldCount
to obtain the total number of form fields in a document. Then, use the following methods to access individual form fields.
public function GetPDFFormField( FieldNo: Integer // Index of the form field in the document ): TgtPDFFormField; overload; public function GetPDFFormField( FieldName: string // Name of the form field in the document ): TgtPDFFormField; overload;
These methods returns an TgtPDFFormField instance. You can fill values and modify other properties and save the changes back the same file or to a new file.
Now, here is the example source code for processing form fields in a PDF document. As earlier, add a button to a VCL forms application and use the click-event handler.
unit Read_Form; { Delphi code to read all form fields in a PDF document } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtDlgs, TypInfo, gtPDFDoc, gtExPDFDoc, Grids, gtCstPDFDoc, gtClasses3, gtCstDocEng, gtCstPlnEng, gtCstPDFEng, gtExPDFEng, gtPDFEng, gtPDFClasses, gtExProPDFDoc; type TForm2 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form2: TForm2; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var gtPDFDocument1: TgtPDFDocument; OpenTextFileDialog1: TOpenTextFileDialog; I, N: Integer; FieldName: string; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; begin // Create PDF document, file dialog, string grid objects gtPDFDocument1 := TgtPDFDocument.Create(nil); OpenTextFileDialog1 := TOpenTextFileDialog.Create(nil); StringGrid1 := TStringGrid.Create(Self); // Specify string grid settings StringGrid1.RowCount := 2; StringGrid1.ColCount := 4; StringGrid1.Cells[0,0] := 'Field Name'; StringGrid1.Cells[1,0] := 'Type'; StringGrid1.Cells[2,0] := 'Page Number'; StringGrid1.Cells[3,0] := 'FieldValue'; StringGrid1.ColWidths[0] := 75; StringGrid1.ColWidths[1] := 75; StringGrid1.ColWidths[2] := 75; StringGrid1.ColWidths[3] := 200; StringGrid1.Width := 480; StringGrid1.Height := 300; // Make user to select a PDF file OpenTextFileDialog1.Filter := 'PDF documents (*.pdf)|*.pdf';; if OpenTextFileDialog1.Execute then begin try // Unload any previously loaded file if gtPDFDocument1.IsLoaded then begin gtPDFDocument1.Reset; end; gtPDFDocument1.LoadFromFile(OpenTextFileDialog1.FileName); // Enumerate form fields in the document n := gtPDFDocument1.GetFormFieldCount; if (gtPDFDocument1.GetFormFieldCount > 0) then begin // Add the string grid to the form StringGrid1.Parent := Self; StringGrid1.RowCount := N + 1; StringGrid1.Top := Button1.Top + Button1.Height + 30; StringGrid1.Left := Button1.Left; // Iterate through existing form fields for I := 1 to N do begin // Display form field name StringGrid1.Cells[0,I] := gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I).FieldName; // Display form field type StringGrid1.Cells[1,I] := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TgtPDFFormFieldType), integer(gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I).FieldType)); // Display page number of the form field StringGrid1.Cells[2,I] := IntToStr(gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I).PageNum); // Display form field value StringGrid1.Cells[3,I] := gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I).Value; // catch all case gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I).FieldType of // special cases ftCheckBox: // check box form field if TgtPDFFormCheckBox(gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I)).Checked then begin StringGrid1.Cells[3,I] := '[Checked]'; end else begin StringGrid1.Cells[3,I] := '[Not Checked]'; end; ftButton: // push button form field StringGrid1.Cells[3,I] := '[Caption] ' + TgtPDFFormPushButton(gtPDFDocument1.GetPDFFormField(I)).NormalCaption; end; end; end else begin ShowMessage('No form fields were found.'); end; // Free IO resources gtPDFDocument1.Reset; except on Err:Exception do begin gtPDFDocument1.Reset; ShowMessage('Sorry, an exception was raised. ' + Err.Classname + ':' + Err.Message); end; end; end; end; end.
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PDFtoolkit VCLA Delphi/C++Builder component suite to edit, enhance, view, print, merge, split, encrypt, annotate, and bookmark PDF documents. |
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PDFOne (for Java)A Java PDF component suite to create, edit, view, print, reorganize, encrypt, annotate, bookmark PDF documents in Java applications. |
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StarDocsCloud-hosted and On-Premises REST-based document-processing and document-viewing APIs |
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