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PDFtoolkit VCL works on existing PDF documents. You don't create new PDF documents with it. But, it does have a method that allows you to insert a blank page to an existing PDF document.
public procedure InsertBlankPageAt(
APageNumber: Integer;
PageWidth: Double;
PageHeight: Double
So, you could create a new PDF document from scratch by:
method; andYes, it is quite a useful method. In this article, we will not go in that direction. Instead, we will use the InsertBlankPageAt()
method to create pages that will hold images exported from a multi-page TIFF image.
Following is the source code of a Delphi console application. It uses Erik Van Bilsen's Delphi GDI+ library to extract frames from a multipage TIFF image. The extracted images are then rendered on to a blank PDF page inserted using InsertBlankPageAt()
program TIFF_To_PDF_With_eDocEngine; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Graphics, jpeg, GdiPlus, GdiPlusHelpers, // Using Erik van Bilsen's Delphi GDI+ library gtPDFClasses, gtCstPDFDoc, gtExPDFDoc, gtExProPDFDoc, gtPDFDoc; var TIFFImage: IGPImage; PageGuid: TGUID; Bitmap1: TBitmap; FrameCount, PageCount, I, J: Integer; PageRange: string; PageDimensions: TGPSizeF; gtPDFDocument1: TgtPDFDocument; gtImageWatermarkTemplate1: TgtImageWatermarkTemplate; begin try // Load the mult-frame TIFF image TIFFImage := TGPBitmap.FromFile('multi_page.tiff'); // Obtain the number of frames in the TIFF image PageGuid := FrameDimensionPage; FrameCount := TIFFImage.GetFrameCount(PageGuid); if PageCount > 0 then begin // Load an existing PDF document gtPDFDocument1 := TgtPDFDocument.Create(nil); gtPDFDocument1.LoadFromFile('input_doc.pdf'); // Find last page number J := gtPDFDocument1.PageCount; // Iterate through all frames in the TIFF image for I := 0 to FrameCount - 1 do begin // Select a frame TIFFImage.SelectActiveFrame(PageGuid,I); // Obtain dimensins of current frame TIFFImage.GetPhysicalDimension(PageDimensions); // Insert new page after last page - new page has same // dimension as current frame of TIFF image J := J + 1; gtPDFDocument1.InsertBlankPageAt(J, PageDimensions.Width, PageDimensions.Height); // Save current frame to an temporary JPEG image TIFFImage.Save('temp_frame.bmp', TGPImageFormat.Bmp); // Load temporary image Bitmap1 := TBitmap.Create; Bitmap1.LoadFromFile('temp_frame.bmp'); // Render image on the new PDF page as an image watermark gtImageWatermarkTemplate1 := TgtImageWatermarkTemplate.Create; with gtImageWatermarkTemplate1 do begin X := 0; Y := 0; Image := Bitmap1; HorizPos := hpCenter; VertPos := vpMiddle; end; gtPDFDocument1.InsertWatermark(gtImageWatermarkTemplate1, IntToStr(J)); Bitmap1.FreeImage; end; // Save modified PDF document to a new file gtPDFDocument1.SaveToFile('output_doc.pdf'); // Free resources gtPDFDocument1.Reset; end; except on E: Exception do begin Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); Readln; end; end; end.
The above code used the following PDF document as the input file.
Bilsen's Delphi GDI+ library was used for extract frames from a multipage TIFF image.
After running the code, frames from the TIFF image were rendered new pages inserted into the PDF document.
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